Global Correspondence

GFMA and AFME Briefing Note: Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions

GFMA with their European affiliate, the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME),  authored a briefing note on Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions.


Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions, or G-SIFIs, have
become an area of focus for international policymakers.  The G20 is driving the development of a new
regulatory framework at a political level and has tasked various agencies with
creating more detailed approaches.  The
concern of policymakers is that G-SIFIs are too-big-to-fail, potentially forcing
taxpayers to bear the costs of any failures.           

The policy framework for banks classified as G-SIFIs (known as Global
Systemically Important Banks, or G-SIBs) has been developed more quickly than
for other parts of the financial sector. 
The initial list of G-SIBs has been published (see box below) using a
methodology developed by the Basel Committee (BCBS).  These banks face new capital requirements and
are required to develop resolution plans, while the Financial Stability Board (FSB)
has consulted on an enhanced data template for G-SIBs.

While the Global Financial Market Association (GFMA), of which AFME is
a member, strongly supports the goal of the Basel Committee to promote
financial stability, GFMA has a number of concerns with the proposed G-SIB capital
buffers including: whether the benefits exceed the cost of reduced economic
growth, the lack of clear and well-defined offsets against the capital buffers
for improved resolution regimes, and transparency and methodological issues.

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