Press release

GFMA appointed to CFTC GMAC Digital Asset Markets Subcommittee

30 June 2023


WASHINGTON, D.C., 30 June 2023 ­- The Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) which represents the leading global financial and capital market participants, today welcomed the announcement from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the appointment of its Global Markets Advisory Subcommittees.


Allison Parent, Executive Director of the GFMA, said: “I am honoured on behalf of the GFMA to be appointed to the CFTC’s Global Markets Advisory Digital Assets Subcommittee. The subcommittee advises the regulator on issues affecting market structure, regulation and the integrity and competitiveness of US markets. GFMA in particular will bring the expertise of its member firms on digital assets to the table, having recently authored an extensive report on the impact of distributed ledger technology for capital markets. GFMA looks forward to engaging with the CFTC and other subcommittee members on this and other issues.”


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Rebecca Hansford
Head of Communications and Marketing
+44 (0)20 3828 2693

Corliss Ruggles
Head of Communications
852 9359 6996 

Katrina Cavalli
Managing Director, Public Affairs


About GFMA

GFMA represents the common interests of the world’s leading financial and capital market participants to provide a collective voice on matters that support global capital markets. It also advocates on policies to address risks that have no borders, regional market developments that impact global capital markets, and policies that promote efficient cross-border capital flows to end users. GFMA efficiently connects savers and borrowers, thereby benefiting broader global economic growth. The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) located in London, Brussels, and Frankfurt; the Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA) in Hong Kong; and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) in New York and Washington are, respectively, the European, Asian, and North American members of GFMA.