GFMA SmartBrief is a daily newsletter published by our parner, SmartBrief. If offers a summary of industry news and updates from GFMA and its regional members AFME, ASIFMA and SIFMA.
Global Correspondence
GFMA and Other Associations Submit Comments to the European Commission, European Parliament and Lithuanian Presidency on MiFID C6
GFMA and other trade associations provide comments regarding the definition of financial instruments under MiFID II to to the European Commission, European Parliament and Lithuanian Presidency.
We and our members fully support transparency in the commodity markets and recognize the need for regulators to have accurate information to enable them to carry out their supervisory and enforcement mandates.
Letter signed and submitted on behalf of the collective memberships of the:
European Federation of Energy Traders
Futures and Options Association
Global Financial Markets Association
International Swaps and Derivatives Association